2002 - present -- Phd. student, University of West Bohemia, Plzeň,
program Engineer Informatics, specialization Informatics and Computer Sciences
(since September 2005 external student)
1997 - 2002 -- Ing., Informatics and Computer Sciences,
specialization Computer Graphics (average grade 1.67),
Department of Computer Sciences,
Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia, Plzeň
2001 (February - July) -- Socrates Erasmus student (5 months, 2nd term),
University of Bath, United Kingdom
1993 - 1997 -- specialization Mechanic-electronic for automation technology (excellent results),
Střední odborné učiliště energetické
(secondary school with school leaving examination), Plzeň
1989 - 1992 -- Základní umělecká škola (Art school), Rokycany
1985 - 1993 -- ZŠ jižní předměstí (Primary school), Rokycany
May 2006 - now -- Software Developer J2SE-SQL-JavaScript-PL/SQL-Linux-RUP,
Development Team Leader, Second Line Support (SLS) Project Manager -
Unicorn Enterprise System at
Unicorn a.s.
March 2005 - February 2006 -- Research worker in the field of
algorithms of Computer Graphics
(3DTV NoE Project),
Part-time progamming in C#,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of West Bohemia, Plzeň
2002-2005 -- Tutor, University of West Bohemia, Plzeň (
KIV/SOJ 2002 - Intel8086 assembler (4 hours/week),
KIV/POT 2003 - Zilog80 assembler (4 hours/week),
KIV/ZPG 2003 - Basics of computer graphics (4 hours/week),
KIV/WIN 2004 - Programming under MS Windows: Visual C++, C#) (6 hours/week),
KIV/ZPG 2005 - Basics of computer graphics (in English, Socrates Erasmus students, 4 hours/week)
November 2002 - December 2003 -- Research worker
(MSM 235200005 (Informační systémy a technologie),
Part-time programming in C/C++,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of West Bohemia, Plzeň
2004 -- Supervisor, Bachelor Thesis (Jiří Šeda - Conversion of AVI Video to Volume Data)
Patera,Jan, Skala,V.:
A Comparison of Fundamental Methods for Iso-surface
Extraction, Machine Graphics & Vision, International Journal, Institute of Computer Science,
Polish Academy of Sciences, ISSN 1230-0535, Volume 13, Number 4, pp. 329-343, 2004 (printed 2005)
Patera,Jan, Skala,V.:
Centered Cubic Lattice Method Comparison,
Algoritmy 2005, 17th Conference on Scientific Computing, Vysoké Tatry - Podbanské,
Slovakia, March 13-18, Vydavatelstvo STU, ISBN 80-227-2192-1, pages 309-318, 2005
Patera Jan (supervisor Skala,V.):
Iso-Surface Extraction and Approximation Error,
Technical Report Number: DCSE/TR-2004-15, State of the Art and Concept of Doctoral
Thesis, University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences, 2004
Uhlíř,K., Patera,Jan, Skala,V.:
Radial Basis Function Method for Iso line Extraction,
Electronic Computers and Informatics, ECI 2004, Herľany, Slovakia, September 22-24,
VIENALA Press, ISBN 80-8073-150-0, pages 439-444, 2004