Some words about me
Hi there, i don`t know where to start ... hmm, what about this ...
I was born in the town Hoĝovice (division Beroun in Czech republic)
and if information in my born-book are true, it was at 4:30 p.m.
(but I am not people who like to get up at this time :o)). When
I was born, my weight was 3050g and my height was 52 cm. Many people
asked me if I am older than my brother or younger, difficult question
for you ? :-). So if you want to know answer to this question
you should send me an e-mail ;) (sorry, I don`t want to write it on this
page). I like lightblue color and this is reason why the name of
this section is written by this colour. I almost forgot to write
here my language education, so I know this languages English,
Russian (but in this language I am beginner) and of course Czeh
and Slovak (but little).
Have a nice day dear reader, bye-bye